Monday, January 10, 2011

Relationship Blog

Our Officiant, Judith L Guash has a new blog about about her services and all the details! I was flattered when she asked to use one of our family pictures that we had taken right before Christmas. 

Her recent post is about "Keeping Your Relationship Alive, While Planning a Wedding." It feels just like yesterday we (Husband and I) were sitting in her living room and going over our ceremony. She asked us many questions and then asked, "Have you practiced your kiss?" We looked at each other like "what?" Oh, she was serious too! We thought about it and came to the conclusion that we must figure out what and how we want to do this! Her last comment to us that day was more of a recommendation. "Now, go out to dinner tonight and do not speak one word about this wedding!"  I laughed...and that night I caught myself like three times starting to chat about our big day! It was soo hard to do! 
If you have a minute click on over and check her new blog out! Especially if you are in the stages of planning your big day! 

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